Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Pink Prayer Answered

Today is a special day in the Luca house. As I reflect back on where we were a year ago today, I couldn't have imagined the impact this day would have on our family -- the birth of our precious Chloe Grace -- our special pink answer to prayer. This time last year there was anxious anticipation as we awaited the day when she would decide she was ready to enter life in the outside world.

Joby and I had dreamed of her long before we were even pregnant. We prayed and hoped for a little girl being that we already had a sweet boy. And well, let's face it, if you know know that I'm as girly as it gets. And frankly, I think Bradley appreciated the Lord obliging us with a girl as much as more accompanying Mom on boring shopping trips for him. So upon receiving the news that we were indeed pregnant, we immediately began discussing names for her even before knowing if she was a her.

I loved the name Chloe from the start as did my husband but he also loved the name Lilly. And while I liked Lilly a lot, I just really wanted to name her Chloe. Due to our stalemate, we agreed not to use either name and began discussing other possibilities. We considered Whitney, Whitley and Addison. We discussed Hadley but then decided that it would just be too weird to call Hadley and Bradley to dinner at night. We seriously considered Piper and thought we had pretty much settled on Arden. Then one day Joby came home and said Chloe -- I want to name her Chloe. I was elated...then came the waiting for the arrival of ultrasound day... Was she even going to be a Chloe?

November 19th came and after much anticipation -- the reveal. She was indeed the little girl we had hoped and prayed for.

As the months went by and I planned every detail of her room from the PB kids bedding (just an FYI, I bought the bedding on clearance) to the "Holy Pink" paint on the walls (Joby’s first words when he saw the wall color), our dreams and wonder of her grew.

Would she look like him or me? Would she even like the sickening amount of pink I bought for her? Would she be a fun seeking, outgoing, creative dreamer like me? Or would she be a melancholy, analytical, order seeker like her dad? Both qualities needed for balance in the world I might add. J Would she be a rule follower or a rule breaker? Would she grow to love me or would we spend our lives at odds as some mothers and daughters do? And Lord, oh Lord, let her be healthy.

Flash forward to April 14, 2008 – D-Day. She was here and she was more beautiful than we could have imagined. Big Blue eyes and dimples to die for, and most importantly, she was healthy too. A total answer to prayer!

The past year has flown by and while the full revelation of who this baby girl is that we affectionately call Chlo Belle is yet to be discovered, the Lord has given us wonderful glimpses of who He has uniquely designed her to be. She has brought such joy to this house and I will forever remember my blessing on this day.

My Prayer for Chloe:

I pray salvation for your soul. That you will walk closely with the Lord, know him intimately, walk in his ways and in his will always while on this earth and to eternity.

I pray blessings upon your life. Ten fold for the blessings you give.

I pray favor upon your life. That you will be shown favor by both Man and God.

I pray wisdom for you. That you will examine your life carefully and the lives of those around you, learn from both your mistakes and the mistakes of others, and seek the Lord with every decision.

I pray direction for you. That you will know the Lord’s path for you and pursue the dreams he puts in your heart.

I pray for compassion and grace in your life. That you will extend these to others and that they will know Him because of you.

And lastly (much to your father's dismay J -- just joking) I pray for your future husband. That he be a godly man worthy of your love. That he would love and cherish you like the jewel you are, a daughter of the King and that you will be a wife that will make him a better man in the eyes of the Lord.

All these things in the name of our Mighty Savior, Christ Jesus, Amen.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!


Ma Ma


PBJ Creations said...

I Love you guys so much ! Your entire family is a joy and blessing to all those who are in it !

PBJ Creations said...

Happy Birthday Chloe !!!!!

Ladybird said...

Oh Beth, I didn't know that you were a blogger too! I found you through your FaceBook page and I was thrilled! I write a letter to EC every month on my blog, but this letter to your "pink baby" just pulled on my heartstrings. What a wonderful letter and a gorgeous prayer. She is precious! May God bless her in every way! Happy Birthday Chloe!

emily said...

happy birthday chloe! beth, you write so beautifully... would like to see more of that... :) love you guys.